Marty Reid
April 12th, 2022
It’s no surprise that staffing is the #1 concern of hospital CEOs.
And it’s why we recently set out to gain insights into the career goals and motivations around allied health professionals. We launched a survey to uncover who they are, what they’re interested in, and how they think about education and career advancement.
These insights can help organizations be better prepared to create career pathways for their employees, providing them the opportunity for career and economic mobility while also filling in-demand patient roles.
But first, let’s narrow down what we mean by “allied health professional.” While there are a range of positions in this category, we focused on the three most in need of upskilling and reskilling.
- Non-clinical: Workers in non-medical positions below management such as entry-level office and facilities positions, food services, and patient transporters.
- Technician: All allied health positions that are not primary patient care. They have specific technical competencies, less patient contact, and limited view on diagnosis and treatment.
- Health professionals: All allied health patient care positions below RN. They have more patient contact, broader healthcare competencies, and a broader vantage point on diagnosis and treatment.
The infographic below offers insight from the survey that can help inform your talent strategy.1
To learn how your organization can attract talent today while building talent pipelines for the future, request a demo.
- Data is from 558 respondents to a Guild-run survey, sent to individuals working in the healthcare industry.
- Rates and ratios from Guild’s internal data computed by employer over the last 12 months as of 12.31.2021 and averaged across all employers who provided the required data for at least 13 months post launch.