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Clearing the barriers to continuous learning 

Companies are embracing continuous learning, but there are still obstacles to success. Here’s how to overcome them and inspire employees to upskill and reskill.

Clearing the barriers to continuous learning  featured image
By Compass Staff | December 2nd, 2024

4 ways to empower employees’ continued education.

1. Understand your workers’ challenges and give them support. 

Managing education with hectic schedules and families.

The need for strong support systems in employee education.

Providing the right ‘scaffolding.’ 

2. Emphasize the opportunities that stem from continuous learning.

Embrace short-form credentials.

Career advancement without the need for degrees.

3. Make skills stackable.

4. Figure out what kind of skills your business needs — and create opportunities for employees to gain them. 

Assessing the hard and soft skills your organization needs.